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Mr LEUNG Po Wing

Mr LEUNG Po Wing

Lecturer (Theatre Technology)


Mr LEUNG Po Wing


Leung Po Wing is the lecture (Theatre Technology). He has worked as a sound designer, sound engineer, composer, and musician in theatre, drama, dance, musicals, video productions and commercial events for over a decade.


Po Wing was twice awarded Outstanding Sound Design by the Hong Kong Dance Alliance, the first time for Why Not Kill Us All… hosted by City Contemporary Dance Company in 2018, and the second for Over-master hosted by the 47th Hong Kong Arts Festival: The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series Dance Off in 2020. He also received a nomination for Best Sound Design for his work on Le Pere, hosted by Hong Kong Repertory Theatre in 2018.


Besides working as a sound designer for theatre, Po Wing is also a co-founder of Heteroglossia, a collective which creates original, innovative and multi-disciplinary theatre works. 


Po Wing earned a BFA from the HKAPA in Entertainment Design and Technology. His current research focus is on spatial audio & theatricality.