24 Nov (Tue)
We look at Series ONE - "On Negotiable Education" - with invited groups and individuals sharing their work/programmes in forum/seminar/workshop setting, initiating discussions to allow modification to learning opportunities and experiences in dance. It is indeed on this platform of the negotiable ground that active-learners navigate learning. Individuals choose the part that speaks to him or her, that which is close to their heart, and focus on personal interests to arrive at what they wish to 'take away' in the learning journey.
Series ONE is open to the Dance Community and the Community at Large - All with a Heart for Dance.
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98249563212?pwd=TkZobWMvY3VTcnhSUjVwWTVrbHRBZz09
Zoom Meeting ID: 982 4956 3212
Zoom Passcode: 079844