About Us
The Communications Office (COMM) is dedicated to promoting the Academy’s image and position as a leading higher education institution in training performing arts practitioners and cultural leaders, as well as to engaging members of the public in the performing arts through the strategic delivery of our core activities listed below.
Branding and marketing: COMM organises public events (i.e., annual Open Day) and devises publicity strategies, both online and offline, to promote the Academy’s mission and vision. COMM also gives advice and renders support to academic and administration units of the Academy to ensure the consistency of the Academy’s public image. The Academy received Silver Award (NGOs/NPOs/Social Enterprises Communications category) with its marketing and publicity strategies for the 2nd Academy Festival at the 4th HK Public Relations Awards which was organised by the HK Public Relations Professionals’ Association Ltd.
Media relations and public affairs: COMM keeps the public updated on the Academy’s latest developments, major Academy productions as well as achievements of staff and students through media publicity. COMM handles media relations on behalf of the Academy and also serves as an initial contact point for public enquiries.
Publications: to achieve consistency in the editorial and artistic standards of the Academy’s publications, COMM oversees the production of all major official print publications including annual reports, monthly newsletter Academy News, Graduation and Honorary Awards Ceremonies house programmes, and the promotional materials for the major Academy productions.
Corporate social responsibility and stakeholder communication: COMM maintains effective communication with both internal and external stakeholders and explores collaborations of social responsibility nature with them when necessary.
Our contact: 2584 8592 / communications@hkapa.edu