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Lincoln Center Chamber Music Series

29 Nov (Wed) - 02 Dec (Sat)

29 Nov 2023 (Wed) - 02 Dec 2023 (Sat) | 20:00

Gold Sponsor: AR Charitable Foundation   
Silver Sponsors: Chinachem Group, Stephen Suen

Academy Concert Hall
Approximately 1.5 - 2 hours with one intermission
Price Info:
Standard Ticket: $380 Full-Time Student with valid I.D. / Senior Citizen aged 65+ / Disabled: $190
The Hong Kong Academy For Performing Arts
The programme information is for reference only. The organiser reserves the right to change programme information or schedule should unavoidable circumstances dictate. In the unlikely event of a dispute, the Event Promoter's decision shall be final.

Gold Sponsor:  



Silver Sponsors:

chinachem    Stephen Suen

The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts is delighted to present the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center (CMS) in concerts on 29 November and 1 & 2 December 2023 at the Academy Concert Hall.


The CMS is one of eleven constituents of Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, the largest performing arts complex in the world. Featuring some of the world’s finest chamber musicians, the CMS will present Hong Kong chamber music lovers the exciting music from Beethoven, Brahms, Dvorak, Debussy, Adolphe, Jalbert, Shostakovich, Webber and Faure.


29 November 2023 (Wednesday), 8pm      
After hearing the performance of a now-storied clarinet virtuoso, Brahms came out of retirement to write the clarinet trio featured on this concert. The programme opens with Beethoven’s Piano Trio in E-flat major, Op. 1, No. 1—the work he chose to announce himself to the music world—and closes with an exuberant Dvorak piano quartet.


1 December 2023 (Friday), 8pm      
CMS’s Artistic Directors take the spotlight in this special concert, opening with Debussy’s iconic Cello Sonata. Classics of the cello-piano repertoire by Brahms and Shostakovich alternate with pieces written for David and Wu Han by two of today’s leading composers, Bruce Adolphe and Pierre Jalbert.


2 December 2023 (Saturday), 8pm      
This programme begins with Beethoven’s “Ghost” Trio, reportedly inspired by the witches’ scene from Macbeth, and continues with Weber’s virtuoso showpiece for clarinet accompanied by string quartet. Fauré’s Piano Quartet No. 1, an early-career masterpiece, tells an emotional story of heartbreak and affirmation.